
Jumat, 23 September 2016

my thought this night : feels love and like

good night....

what are you feel when you love something?

for me that feel like "HaAAHHHH" yeah like that ^.^

what make me feel like HAAaaaaHH is some songs, people and stresszzzz. when you feel stress of something like task from campus and anything, you can search some song and the most thing is pray. you can search anything song. example like me, now i love blackpink, alan walker and song was i ever listen and love. and yeaaah you can learn english HAhahaha like me now. when your brain really really full you can become like crazy people, what i mean of crazy is you can do anything, like use english language what are you like without use grammer, verb or anything. and you can wear shirt and pants with bright colors HAHAAHA and that is really make you realive but don't miss limit. when you become like that you can realize you like crazy but fun when your brain retrun to normal. hahhh when i'm normal, i become silent people and love reading book or make me interested for to read and i always think about vacation, people and anything till i go back full brain yeah. but what i don't forget is pray, when your brain full or stress and when you are normal don't forget pray and your god. just that what is my thought this night and practice my english hohohoho. see you next post and i want go back work my task or sleep hehehehehe.

i forget about people what make me HaaaaHH. he is....... just for me and god who can know, yeah and some my friend^-^ hehehehehe. yeah my pesan is you can love anybody but you must know limit. just for happy. if he is for you, you and him will meet and happy together, but if he is not for you, you and him will happy with each person who loved. ^.^

Jadi lebay dan baper dehhhhzzz tugasnya terlantar dehzzzz

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